Is it possible for a high-quality personality test to take just 15 minutes? Ixly is proud to present the Adaptive Work-related Personality Inventory (AWPI) and the Adaptive Career Values Inventory (ACI).
Ixly | Blogs Reintegration factor survey Literature research and discussion with colleagues in our field has led to the development of a Reintegration Intake questionnaire.
Ixly | Blogs Name changes to the Career values scale Coming up with the right name for the scale of a personality questionnaire is a challenge in itself! The scale name needs to reflect its full width and ...
Ixly | Blogs Effect of emotional intelligence on commercial skills Two aspects of emotional intelligence can predict commercial skills. The Commercial webcam test proved to be reliable.
Ixly | Blogs Quinn Management roles, a practical approach to Management Development The Quinn competitive values model distinguishes between four organisational modalities: flexibility, control, internal orientation and external orientation.
Ixly | Blogs Consistency, Self image and Response tendency Consistency, Self image and Response tendency have been added to the Work-related Personality Questionnaire report in order to provide greater insight
Ixly | Blogs Capability assessments and cultural diversity Where must we be careful in using capability assessments?
Ixly | Blogs Intelligence and assessment of intellectual ability It is always a good idea to test a candidate’s intellectual ability, particularly when the job in question requires a certain amount of brainpower. But why?
Ixly | Blogs The relationship between the Work-related Personality Inventory and the Big Five How do the factors of the Big Five raelate to the scales and factors of the Work-related Personality Inventory?