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088 49 59 000

Kantoorgebouw De Blend

Vleutensevaart 100

3532 AD Utrecht (NL)



The moral compass
Stay on the right course

Integrity is a sensitive issue. Is an employee's behaviour in line with the organisation's general rules and values? Even under pressure or when the rules are unclear? Employees with a strong sense of integrity perform better and are less likely to harm the organisation.

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Personal integrity as a predictor
of work performance

Honest employees are driven by the right values and motives, exhibit consistent behaviour and take responsibility for it. In concrete situations, it is usually clear what constitutes honest behaviour and what does not. What really matters are the grey areas where the rules are not always clear. Nearly four in ten entrepreneurs experience conflicts in integrity. Such situations can be quite costly and have a major impact on the organisation. Our assessments can help provide insight into potential risks and open them up for discussion. It is easier for people to avoid pitfalls when they are aware of the risks.

Remember: integrity is one of the key predictors of a person's job performance.

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