Kantoorgebouw De Blend
Vleutensevaart 100
3532 AD Utrecht (NL)
In today's rapidly changing world where talent is all too scarce, it is important to quickly acquire reliable insight into the personality, drives, intelligence and values of (potential) employees.
What drives a person? What gets your people going and how can you motivate them so that they enjoy their work and perform well?
Clear and concise assessments that provide quick and objective insight during the selection and development of candidates.
How can you assess someone's integrity? What are the potential risks and how will your candidates handle them?
One of the key predictors of success. These tests quickly shed light on your candidates’ intelligence. Suitable for all function profiles.
Who are the leaders of tomorrow? What leadership style do your leaders employ? Increase your insight into people's leadership potential.
What is someone actually like? What are your candidates truly made of? Know whom you are dealing with and what their qualities and areas of improvement are.
Selecting talent without the help of questionnaires? Use our game technology to quickly map your candidates’ competencies.
Stimulate your candidates’ self-insight and personal development with 360 feedback. Efficiently organise specific feedback in your organisation.
De Blend