NL | EN | DE | FR
Norm group
Advice (N=1054)
10-20 minutes
Factors = 0.93 | Sectors = 0.83
This questionnaire is especially useful for people with some work experience. It is mostly used in career coaching situations.
An alternative interest questionnaire in the Test-Toolkit is the Interest H. This alternative questionnaire can be implemented to map interests in degree courses and related sectors.
The ITS reports on three different levels.
Research has indicated that the Holland model is stable but can be complemented with a seventh factor, namely interest in ICT. This is not surprising, because – when the model was developed in 1958 – the ICT sector did not have its ubiquitous presence that it now has.
Holland Plus model scales:
Realistic, Intellectual, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional, ICT.
Additionaly, the ITS reports on 40 sectors in which the above mentioned fields of interest are reflected. These sectors are areas of work that are also included in, whereby suitable jobs and job vacancies can be found easily. Reference is made to the manual for a comprehensive description of all sectors.
This questionnaire provides insight into the kinds of tasks aligned with interests. These are:
Social tasks: Assisting, Solving conflicts, Convincing people, Motivating, Maintaining contact, Coaching people, Helping customers, Negotiating, Collaborating with colleagues, Influencing people, Advising people, Teaching, Management, Giving training and courses.
Mental tasks: Being creative, Reading, Writing, Strategic thinking, Analysis, Calculations, Planning, Organising, Collecting information
Supporting tasks: Planning activities, Resource and object management, Rostering, Administrative tasks, Setting up projects
Motorised tasks: Working with your hands, Operating large machinery, Driving vehicles, Working with machinery, Repairing machinery, Working with electronic devices, Working with computers, Physical effort, Repairing electronic devices.
Sample question ITS