Does an employee still feel comfortable in their job, and what role might you play in this? The WorkXperience Scan examines how someone feels about their job in terms of performance, satisfaction and enthusiasm. This allows you to detect an employee’s difficulties early on. The questionnaire also assesses the development phase, enabling you to provide a suitable solution. Therefore, this ensures that an employee continues to feel challenged and enthusiastic in their work. The various characteristics that are relevant to work experience are portrayed in a scientifically substantiated manner through a series of questions
NL | DE | EN | FR
Norm groups
10 - 15 minutes
The various characteristics that are relevant to work experience are portrayed in a scientifically substantiated manner through a series of questions.
The Work Experience Questionnaire is an accessible instrument that can be used for all issues where insight into the work experience is important.
It measures:
This test is suitable for the supervision and coaching of employees, for example, when someone is considering a different position. You can use the test to see what the person is satisfied with and where there is room for improvement in the current position or a new one. It is also a good tool for consultants and managers involved in organisational development projects or as part of the HR cycle. In doing so, this questionnaire can be used company-wide to map out what employees are satisfied with and in which areas interventions can be used to improve satisfaction.
This questionnaire is also suitable for advisory situations.
By knowing how employees experience their work and measuring how satisfied they are with their job and position, you can make early adjustments, maintain effectiveness and reduce employee turnaround. Experience the WorkXperience Scan yourself with a free demo.